Tectonic Boundries

Tectonic Boundries
My Journey Begins!!

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Hawaii University's New Professer.

I just wanted to use this opportunity to inform you all that I have gotten a job in Hawaii to teach at the university! They really liked the science I showed them so now I am teaching students every day. I also want to let you now I am ending my career as a pirate. I want to settle down and have my own lab rather than have my own evil lair. I also have a new scientific career path. I am following the footsteps of my idol, MLK and promoting world peace. Since it is school policy that I have no blogs / online classes, I am leaving this blog.


The Alpine Fault

Dear Fans,

56°43'7.36"S 157°49'21.70"E

I am currently in New Zealand updating this blog after my exploration of the rare transform boundary. My tracker is currently at the Alpine Fault near the southern tip of the island. A transform boundary occurs when two plates go in opposite directions. This causes a lot of earthquakes including the one this year. I am excited to say that I am making a google earth tour following my journey. Stay Tuned.

Exploring the Aleutian Trench

Hi My fellow Blogmates,

49°24'15.17"N 175°22'34.79"W

I was chilling with my friend Sarah Palin (ever heard of her?) when it struck me that I had forgotten to see subduction occur here in the beautiful Arctic circle. First I explain subduction to the idiots in the audience. Subduction occurs when the ocean plate converges with the continental plate. This happens because the oceanic plate is less dense than the continental one. The oceanic plate goes under the other plate melts in the magma under the continental plate. This forms volcanoes near the coasts.

Well when I went down underwater to explore the collision I saw a deep see trench. Well I also took Sarah to this area and she accidentally fell into the trench. The next day I found her on the beach. I expect that she saw the whole process of subduction and exploded out of the top. I am so interested in what happened but I will have to wait till she recovers from the burns and comes out of her coma.

Double Continental!

Hello Mateys,

27°18'43.09"N 84°32'4.95"E

I have enjoyed volunteering here in Nepal but today I did some more scientific research. I climbed high into the mountain in which I put my tracking device years ago. I discovered that the mountain had grown higher. Why, I wondered. I concluded it must been because the two plates must of been converging . They must be two continental plates because if one was a oceanic plate it would go under the other one and made subduction. I will explain more about this later in my trip. When the two plates collide one of the rises above the other one forming mountains like the Himalayas. Nothing will go under because they are both of same density.
-Avnish, ruler of the high seas

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Disaster In Nepal!

Hi All,

I'm on my way to Nepal and the Himalayas and it was very scary to learn that there was a earthquake there. Luckily I didn't reach there in time for the earthquake. I'm going to help the locals recover from the unfortunate event. I may even take some of them onto my crew. Please donate to the red cross.

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Relaxing Near A Divergent Boundry

Dear Fellow Bloggers,

30°11'13.11"N 42° 9'36.30"W

I have traveled here to the great Mid- Atlantic Ridge. It is breathtaking for me to see my first boundary in a while. The tracking beacon I put here shows that the plates are moving apart and that at the center there is a hole in which there is magma which makes new land. You can see that in the center of the two large plates there is a gap. I have upgraded the tracking beacon so next time I come here I can look for new patterns.

There are a lot of trenches her though in the Atlantic Ocean. There are also some volcanoes and earthquakes around this boundary. Some of the biggest volcanoes occur where 3 of the plates in this area meet. The plates are the African, Eurasian and North American . The Atlantic did not not exist years ago but now because of the constant arrival of new land it has grown and prospered.

- Captain Avnish

Starting My Journey

Hello Mates,
I am Avnish , international scientific pirate. I am starting this blog to tell you of travels around the world, searching for the answer to my questions about tectonic plate boundaries. I will go around the world in my ship the S.S Lakeside. I will first travel to the Mid- Atlantic Ridge to see divergent boundaries. I will then go to the Himalayas to see two Continental plates converge. Then I will sail to the Aleutian Trench to see a Oceanic Continental Convergent Boundary. Finally I will travel to the Alpine Fault in New Zealand to witness a rare Transform Boundy.
-Captain Avnish